

Celebrations in Valencia of the shortest night of the year, “La Noche de San Juan”

By | 13 June, 2019 | 0 comments

Celebrations in Valencia of the shortest night of the year, “La Noche de San Juan”

Valencia in summer offers a lot of plans to enjoy its beaches, water sports, special events, paella with the sea breeze, but on the night of 23rd to 24th is when they officially welcome summer, and although the Bonfires of San Juan in Alicante are the best known, you should not miss the bonfires on the beaches of Valencia.

The Night of San Juan in Valencia is enjoyed from the afternoon of the 23rd until the beginning of the 24th, around the beaches, friends and family gather to eat, drink and above all, the tradition sends 7 waves of the sea to jump at 00:00 hours of the day June 24th and jump the flaming fires to ward off bad energies.

San Juan Valencia

For this purpose, firewood is distributed from the City Hall of Valencia. The beaches of the city recommended for this celebration are Las Arenas, La Malvarrosa and La Patacona. But not all beaches are allowed to make bonfires, on the beaches that are within the Natural Park of El Saler and La Albufera: Pinedo, L`Arbre del Gos, El Saler, La Garrofera, La Devesa and El Recatí-Perellonet, not is allowed.

You can also enjoy the Verbenas that are spread throughout the city, with music, children’s entertainment and a lot of activities for all ages.

PHOTO-2018-10-30-09-00-24The origin of the Night of San Juan has very old roots. His interpretations are very numerous. He has gone through different types of celebrations, both pagan and religious. But there is no doubt that the Night of San Juan is closely linked to the adoration of the Sun. Since the summer solstice began a new season, which brought light and heat.And with this light and heat, Valencia offers many possibilities to enjoy the city, we recommend you try the Chef Carlos Julián’s rice at Restaurante Ampar and complete it with a Bodyna Spa Ritual, all at Hospes Palau de la Mar, located one of the most beautiful streets of Valencia, Navarro Reverter street, next to the Turia Gardens…

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