

Jorge Galán’s cooking

By | 6 November, 2017 | 0 comments

Jorge Galán, Chef of Hospes palacio de Arenales & Spa, develops his culinary creations in Las Corchuelas Restaurant.

Of all his extensive menu, Jorge recommends us his Deer sirloin with mushrooms stew with carrots and zucchini, with species such as cumin, fresh basil and chestnut purée.

The magic of this dish is located in the product coexisting with the personal way to prepare it, Jorge explains us his techniques to mix tradition and avant-garde, without losing the roots of the Extremadura’s cuisine.

“The sirloin is marked on both sides and is set to the oven for 3 minutes at 180º, the garnish is prepared with a mushrooms stew with vegetables, the spices are being put with homemade tomato, and for the chestnut purée these are grilled in the oven with a little bit of milk, salt and pepper, this will create a cream.

The presentation of this dish will help to stand out the flavors and textures, it will surprise you.

Jorge has selected for this occasion the Dear, thanks to the fact that 100 grams of deer meat can provide us with 82% of the daily value of protein with only 179 calories and 2.2 grams of trans fat.

The deer meat is a good iron source, giving us 28,2% of the daily value needed, in the same portion of four ounces (113,40 grams)

Specifically, the women are most likely to be in danger for not enough iron in their systems, it is recommendable to increase of reservations of iron, compared with regular meat, this type of protein gives us an iron doses that has easy absorption with less calories and fat. The iron is an integral component of the hemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body, and is also part of the enzyme systems, a vital point for the production of energy and metabolic systems.
The deer meat is also a good source of B12 vitamin, giving us the 58% of the daily value of this important vitamin, just like a good amount of other vitamins such as B vitamin, like (44% of the daily value) niacin (42% DV niacin) and B6 vitamin (28% VD of B6).

Jorge Galán’s cooking is based on giving the best of traditional cooking’s with avant-garde twists, species, citrus and creams that take the best out of the products of the local market.

las Corchuelas RESTAURANT

Ctra N-521, Km 52 – 10005 Cáceres
T +34 927 620 490 |

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